Monday, July 24, 2006

(Guys ) Shopping for clothes in US ?

I have literally given up ! Given up on buying clothes in US !! There .. I said it ! .. its official now !! ;)

There is hardly any chance of finding any variety / any fancy clothes for guys in US ! Walk inside a big store / mall, all you can find is 98% space is occupied with clothes for girls, women, pregant ladies, jewellary, home stuff etc and last 2% (kopche mein kahi to) there will be a section for clothes for guys .. no variety no colors, no designs, no creativity except a few words on the front / back .. here and there ... If you are looking to buy something cheap then all you can get are complerely plain shirts in very simple unattractive (gym-type) colors ... if you are XXXL size, you have a higher chance of finding some variety ! Same thing with pants ...

India is THE place if you want some variety and in-fashion clothes ! Every time I go to India, I shop for the next 1 - 1.5 years ( till the next visit !) .. Its sad but its true !


Monday, July 17, 2006

Interesting questions on blogspot ...

I encountered some funny blogspot questions for profiles .. Pretty good (and some very very weird too) ones actually ! Made me think .. thought will share with you guys ... :)

1. Radio wire is often used to make bird nests. What station do they listen to?

2. Your hand has been replaced with rubber stamps .. what does it say ?

When you spilled the milk, did it look like the moon?

Well, maybe they don't need them, but don't you think that some fish might like a bicycle?

How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?

Come up with some possible band names for your group that features a washboard and a styrofoam tuba.

You have to dig a hole to China. Where do you start?

Sometimes I tend to modify my profile just out of curiosity .. just to see what questions I get and how would I answer them .. pretty interesting question huh ! :)


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Name is more than just words ...

What do you picturize when you hear/read someone's name ? Especially if the person is not in front of you ... what I mean is when you hear a name, does that name create an image of the person in your mind ? Knowingly or unknowingly, it happens and you create that layout for yourself .. something you can associate that name with ... You know that it could be totally wrong but still you do it ... say you are reading a book and you read the name of the character, you ought to picturize him/her before reading further ... Everytime you read that name again, you can pretty much see that unknown figure you have imagined, doing all those things mentioned in the book ! thats why when a movie is made based on a book u've already read, sometimes you like it coz its exactly like you imagined but sometimes you are the standing first in the queue to criticise it !

e.g. Whenever I hear the name 'Neha', a very beautiful, cute, young, slim, delicate, ever-smiling, naive (running out of adjectives ? ;) ) girl appears in front of me (where are you Neha ? ;) ) ... Suprisingly, I have never had a friend or for that matter even an acquaintance named Neha but its just something that my mind pictures ... a face that I associate with the name Neha' ... I dont know why ! It just happens .. Remember that joke about 'Mahalakshmi' and 'Sapna' in 'Khakee' ? I think everyone does it .. 'Mahalakshmi' somehow reminds me of an angry 50 year lady .. (no offense meant to anyone pls)...

Sometimes, what you've picturized turns out to be correct & sometimes you can not stop your chuckle meeting that person in person .. laughing to yourself how different had you imagined this guy/ gal ! I am sure this must have happened to everyone out there ! right ? I think its to do with our brain .. our brain has better photographic memory and its been designed to store data in terms of images, clips, videos rather than text based description ... so whenever you try to store names in there, it attaches a 'void' image to it with an 'unconfirmed' status ! Anytime you hear more about that thing, the image is updated ... This goes one until once you meet the person, when the real face takes its place and you tend to compare the previous void image with this actual image for similarities / differences ... Now the status changes to confirmed and this new image is pulled out everytime you hear the name ! pretty neat huh !!

I always ask people I meet the first time, how had they imagined me to be when they first heard my name. The answers I get are so funny sometimes ! Once a guy had told me that he had imagined a fat guy with a big belly and spectacles with a couple of books in hand when he heard 'Aniruddha' the first time ! He was so shocked to see me !! ;) ... but girls normally imagine me as hot, handsome, cool, matured guy and they are never shocked ;) ... lol


Light a Candle !

The site mentions:

"Mumbai came to a shocking standstill on July 11 when serial blasts ripped through its local trains, killing and wounding hundreds. But the city of dreams stood fearless and fighting fit. Salute Mumbai's never-say-die spirit and Light a Candle for those who succumbed to the blasts or got injured. For every candle you light, CNN-IBN and Channel 7 will donate Re 1 for the relief of the victims."

I hope this is true and works.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

2 moons !

Just recently I received a forward from a friend which read :


Hi All,

Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultimate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles of Earth.
Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like The Earth has 2 Moons. Don't Miss it.....
The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.
NOTE: Share this with ur friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again.....


I was curious and just a simple google search resulted in following site :

which clearly mentions that "It's simply old news from 2003 being mistakenly recycled.". and even in 2003, the case was that 'when looking through a 75 power telescope Mars would appear as large as a Full Moon to the naked-eye.'

I am sure within days, you all will also receive this email. But please dont blindly believe in all the forwards you get.. it not only would waste your (and many others) time (like watching sky on Aug 27 at night :) ) but also increases internet traffic affecting the overall speed.

Plllleassssss Make sure you validate the authenticity of the news before forwarding !


Thursday, July 06, 2006

My Favorite one-liners - Part I

Here are a few english movie / serial one liners that I really really like ! For now, I have only written English one liners ... Note that I wrote only those which I could think of ... first 10 for now .. there are just soooo many of them ... impossible to remember them in one shot ... will add more later in the next posts ...

1. You see I have sent her a dessert .. a very special dessert... I wrote it myself ! - (Merovingian in ) - (Matrix Reloaded )

2. You almost had me ? You never had me ! You never had your car !!! Granny shifting not double clutching like you should !!- (The Fast & The Furious)

3. Would you turn to the page in this book that says where the mess hall is ? - (A Few Good Men)

4. My point is that there are 10 thousand babies born every hour .. thats 254 thousand (???@!!!) babies born every day !!! - (A Lot Like Love)

5. If you call my wedding, a party one more time mister, You may not be invited ! (Monica to Chandler in Friends - oh there are so many of them from Friends !!)

6. I said you come 90 and then I come 10 .. you dont come the whole 100 ! - (Hitch )

7. That ones called Anger ... ever simulate Anger before ? - (I, Robot )

8. Come on ! Stop Trying to hit me and Hit me ! - (Matrix)

9. Jennifer Anisten : Oh My God !!
Jim Carrey : You can call me Bruce !! :) - (Bruce Almighty)

10. Dude ! where is my car ? ... Where is your car Dude !! - (Dude ! Where is my Car )

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

To The President of Nabisco

Aniruddha Daptardar
ChipsAhoyVille, Apt $C1
Chewy, Cookies - 425.
Chips Ahoy - Chewy cookies Division,
Nabisco Biscuit Company,

Dear Sir,

This letter is to bring to your attention that your 'Chips Ahoy! Chewy Cookies' are solely responsible for increase in fat content in my body ... If I had not been eating these cookies, right now I would probably be carrying washboard abs and 'Arnold' muscles !

The taste is so divine that its impossible for me to stop eating them after 1 or 2 cookies like a normal person would do .. I am just going crazy behind these cookies .. the softness adds to the taste and the cookies just melt in the mouth ...I can not stop before I see that either half (or sometime the whole packet esp when I am watching a movie) is over .. There were times when I finished the whole pack and started with another and ended up finishing 50- 60 cookies in one sitting .. Though most of the credit goes to the 3 hr boring hindi movies, Chips Ahoy is also at fault ... In case, you do not remember the calorie content in these cookies, here is a chart just to refresh your memory ..

So from any angle, its not the best thing to eat ... why do you make such fatty things so good in taste ? Dont you think you are responsible for making people fat ? If at all, you have to make such fatty cookie, make it with a mediocre taste so that we try only one cookie at a time and not the whole box of 30 -40 cookies. Many times I make them my lunch and sometimes dinner. I have tried not buying the chips ahoy cookies for quite some time but then life suddenly feels too sour and in desparate need of cookies ... I end up more than making up for the lost time ...

Moreover you make them in the snack'n seal box so that the box is resealable to maintain its freshness and softness ... this makes them fresh & soft to eat everytime ! So you see, you have blocked all my ways to stop eating these cookies. Hence, I would kindly like to request you to either stop making these cookies or make them bitter or sour or some other really bad in taste so that people like dont overeat them !

As I am writing this letter, I have already finished one pack. I need to end this letter fast so that I stop eating them sooner ...

Thank you very much for your time !

Your sincerely,
A complete fan of Chips Ahoy Chewy cookies.

p.s. All your other products such as Oreo cookies , Ritz etc are also making people go mad. I know quite a few friends who just can not stop at one or two of those cookies. So I would suggest that you apply the same strategy to those products as well !
