Wednesday, July 05, 2006

To The President of Nabisco

Aniruddha Daptardar
ChipsAhoyVille, Apt $C1
Chewy, Cookies - 425.
Chips Ahoy - Chewy cookies Division,
Nabisco Biscuit Company,

Dear Sir,

This letter is to bring to your attention that your 'Chips Ahoy! Chewy Cookies' are solely responsible for increase in fat content in my body ... If I had not been eating these cookies, right now I would probably be carrying washboard abs and 'Arnold' muscles !

The taste is so divine that its impossible for me to stop eating them after 1 or 2 cookies like a normal person would do .. I am just going crazy behind these cookies .. the softness adds to the taste and the cookies just melt in the mouth ...I can not stop before I see that either half (or sometime the whole packet esp when I am watching a movie) is over .. There were times when I finished the whole pack and started with another and ended up finishing 50- 60 cookies in one sitting .. Though most of the credit goes to the 3 hr boring hindi movies, Chips Ahoy is also at fault ... In case, you do not remember the calorie content in these cookies, here is a chart just to refresh your memory ..

So from any angle, its not the best thing to eat ... why do you make such fatty things so good in taste ? Dont you think you are responsible for making people fat ? If at all, you have to make such fatty cookie, make it with a mediocre taste so that we try only one cookie at a time and not the whole box of 30 -40 cookies. Many times I make them my lunch and sometimes dinner. I have tried not buying the chips ahoy cookies for quite some time but then life suddenly feels too sour and in desparate need of cookies ... I end up more than making up for the lost time ...

Moreover you make them in the snack'n seal box so that the box is resealable to maintain its freshness and softness ... this makes them fresh & soft to eat everytime ! So you see, you have blocked all my ways to stop eating these cookies. Hence, I would kindly like to request you to either stop making these cookies or make them bitter or sour or some other really bad in taste so that people like dont overeat them !

As I am writing this letter, I have already finished one pack. I need to end this letter fast so that I stop eating them sooner ...

Thank you very much for your time !

Your sincerely,
A complete fan of Chips Ahoy Chewy cookies.

p.s. All your other products such as Oreo cookies , Ritz etc are also making people go mad. I know quite a few friends who just can not stop at one or two of those cookies. So I would suggest that you apply the same strategy to those products as well !



Blogger ~The Dream Catcher~ said...

ever tried the chips ahoy with colorful chocolate chips in it?? I cant recollect the name-but its fantabulous, fantastic and everything n more.

Can we make this a petition?? To discard extra fat from the body!! I have this packet sitting on my shelf, and have been successfully abstaining from it from quite sometime. But i think this post is gonna make me pull it open.mmmm... cant wait!!!

7/06/2006 05:31:00 AM  
Blogger Aniruddha said...

I have been so blinded with these chewy chips ahoy cookies that I have not yet tried any other cookie yet. Everytime I go to walmart, I blindly go to this cookies aisle and just pick up 2 boxes of chips ahoy chewy. Maybe next time I will try colorful cookies !

Start of every new year brings this petition (to discard extra fat !) for me and this year luckily I have kept up to the promises and lost a few pounds .. kahi najar na lag jaye ! touchwood (read touch cookie) .. :)

7/06/2006 09:23:00 AM  
Blogger Jovial said...

Have you tried the chunky ones ? I find them less addictive than the chewy ones. I don't believe you, when you say, you've eaten that many of them in one sitting.

Enjoy and relish them.

7/07/2006 01:46:00 AM  
Blogger Aniruddha said...

You can ask anyone who has seen me eating them dude .. There are about 32 cookies in one pack and I have finished 2 packs easily during many 3 hr movies ... I know thats not something I should be proud of :( .. and how I wish that was not true ...

but I really really like them !

7/07/2006 05:49:00 AM  

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